In which we question our ancestors, visit a Debeit Midrash, and cry over Hugh Jackman one last time (the first time was for Wolverine Origins…)
Posts Tagged ‘wolverine’
Tangent Podcast with Mike and Jonny: S03E13 – Tangent Revelations
Posted: March 17, 2017 by Maximum Mike in Tangent PodcastTags: debate, Israel, jews, logan, Mass Revelation, Tangent, wolverine
Tangent Podcast with Mike and Jonny: S02E17 – Half in the Bag
Posted: October 7, 2016 by Maximum Mike in Tangent Podcast, The VaultTags: death, funeral, logan, pitch kings, podcast, rosh hashana, shimon peres, wolverine
In which we kinda chat, kinda joke, kinda discuss and kinda pitch.